Capturing New Business

For some businesses, capturing new leads means writing names on a whiteboard, while others use spreadsheets or even scraps of paper. If you truly want to grow your business, you need to have a better system to remember all those details for you.

Daylite gives you an entire tool box to do exactly that. Tracking your leads, organizing all the moving pieces, and streamlining your sales process begins by capturing new business in Daylite.

Regardless of which device you use to capture new business, Daylite is right there to help keep you organized. Enter a Contact's information on one device, and instantly access it from another. It really is that easy.

Create a New Contact

Whether you are at a business meeting, a trade show, or just having a conversation in an elevator, the Contacts and Opportunities you create while on the go will sync with your other Daylite devices, so you always have the most up to date information.

Pro Tip:

Create a New Contact and a New Opportunity at the same time. This way you have a chronological record of link one to the other, and fill in additional information.

Let's start by first creating a New Contact.

Select either People or Companies from the Sidebar.

Tap the + button to create either a New Person or a New Company.

Fill in all the information you have for this Contact, then tap Save. Don't worry, you can always edit this Contact later on, with additional information as you collect it.

Linking a New Opportunity to a Contact

Next, we are going to create a New Opportunity and link it to your Contact.

Start by locating your new Contact, and tapping + Add Link.

Next, select Opportunity from the Link To menu.

Finally, you can either link to an existing Opportunity, or tap the + button to create a brand new Opportunity for your new Contact.

The Opportunity you just created is now linked to your Contact.

The reverse is also true. If you look at your Opportunities in the Sidebar, you will find each one has a linked Contact record.

Creating a New Contact from an Email

Whether responding to a marketing email or online form, or after handing out your business card, email is one of the most common ways new business starts.

Daylite lets you to capture new Contacts straight from your inbox, add the email to Daylite, and link People, Companies, Projects and Opportunities to your new Contact.

Start by adding the email to Daylite. Once added, any corrospondance between you and your Contact via email will show a small orange sun to indicate the email and any of it's threads have been added successfully. These will be viewable in Daylite's Activity View.

Next, tap on the Contact's name to add them to Daylite.

Tap Create New Person or Create New Company, depending on which you which record you would like to create. A Contact record will appear. Fill in any information you have. You can always add more to the Contact record as needed. Remember to tap Save when you are done.

The Contact and email message have now been successfully added to Daylite.

Creating a New Opportunity and Linking it to an Email Contact

As a best practice, you should always try and create a New Opportunity whenever you capture a Contact from an email. Even if there is very little information to start, you want to be ready when that initial email inquiry becomes a full blown Opportunity.

Now that the Contact has been added to Daylite, tap on their name to create a New Opportunity.

Next, tap the + Add Link button.

Choose Opportunity from the Link To menu.

Select the + button and fill out the New Opportunity record. Be sure to Save the information.

As you can see, the Opportunity you just created is now linked to your Contact's record.

Fill out the Basics

Daylite gives you a lot of fields to fill out. Don't worry though, you don't have to use them all. Gather the information you need today and as you learn more, or update your sales process, you may decide to fill in additional fields at a later date.

Every Opportunity should at the very least have the Name, Start Date, and Details filled in. You may also want to add a Forecasted Close Date as a guide for when you expect the deal to close, as well as the Opportunity's total Value.

Be sure to link any People or Companies that are relevant to the Opportunity.

Once you have the basics down, it's time to classify the Opportunity. Classifying your Opportunities is where Daylite sets itself apart. With Categories and Keywords, you can sort, filter, and segment your Opportunities.


A Category is the top-level classification in Daylite. An Opportunity only has one Category, so think about how you want to organize your Opportunities.

If you need to edit your Categories to fit your business needs, navigate to Settings > Categories and tap the + button to create a customized Category.

Here are a few examples of how you can categorize your Opportunities.

  • Products or services your leads are interested in buying

    • Personal Coaching

    • Group Training

    • Speaking Event

  • Types of leads

    • Hot

    • Cold

  • Sources for your leads

    • Facebook

    • Email Marketing

    • Trade Show 2024


Keywords are a more flexible way to classify your Opportunities. An Opportunity can have as many Keywords as you want, so you can use them for multiple reasons.

You can add new Keywords to the Opportunity Card directly, and apply them to People, Companies, Projects, Opportunities, Tasks, Appointments, Notes, Emails, and Forms.

Here are a few examples of how you can use Keywords to classify your Opportunities:

  • Type of client

    • VIP

    • Repeat customer

    • Family/Friend

  • Buying preferences

    • Additional Photographer

    • 2 Week coaching session

    • 2 bedroom

  • Specific marketing campaigns

    • 10% off referral

    • re-targeting ads

    • holiday landing page


When linking people to an Opportunity, you could begin by adding members of your team, like the lead salesperson or account manager, then add your customers.

Next assign their Role and Title, such as Decision Maker, or IT Manager. Now when you contact a client, you can make sure you're speaking to the right person at the right time.

Now that you've added all the essential details, classified your Opportunities, and added everyone's roles, go ahead and save your Opportunity.

Wrap Up

With all the details about an Opportunity captured in one place, your Team now has the tools to close more deals and take your business further.

Last updated