Following Up With Prospects

Closing deals means making a lot of commitments, often months in advance. If you forget to follow up just once, your customer may lose confidence in you, and you run the risk of all your hard work unravelling. Creating a Task and adding a Reminder to it is the best way to make sure your commitments are followed through. No matter how long ago it was added to Daylite, you'll get a Reminder to follow up.

Daylite reminds you of your commitments no matter when they were made, so you can be confident your deals get done.

Pro Tip:

Add as many Reminders as it takes to give you peace of mind that thing's won't get forgotten.

Setting Due Dates and Follow Ups

Select My Tasks from the Sidebar, then select the + New Item button.

Set a Due Date for this Task.

You can set as many Reminders as you like, in order to complete the Task on time.

Now that you have a Due Date and Reminder assigned to your Task, you have peace of mind knowing that you will get notified to follow up by Daylite no matter when the Task is due.

Today's Follow Ups

Navigate to Settings > Tasks and tap Show in Today.

Your Tasks will now show up chronologically when you tap Today in the Sidebar, including their Due Date, highlighted in red.

Pro Tip:

Make a habit of reviewing the Today Screen every day.

Check for anything overdue, then prepare for the week by reviewing what is due in the next 7 days.

Following Up On Reminders

Notifications are located in the Sidebar, and will show you how many Reminders are waitng for you to review.

Select the Reminder to display it in the Activity View. You will be presented with the option to either:

Snooze: Snooze the reminder with pre-set time increments.

Dismiss: Remove the reminder from the notification menu.

Tracking Follow Ups On Your Calendar

Tasks can also appear on your Calendar, offering a visual reminder when a Task is due or deal should close.

To add Tasks to your Calendar:

Click Calendar in the Sidebar and select which Calendar you would like to view.

Make sure Tasks and Objectives has a check beside it.

Wrap Up

Don't lose deals because someone forgot to follow up. Use Reminders to keep you organized, on track, and focused on your priorities. Spend your time working with potential customers so you can close more deals. Now you're ready to track all the details of your business by Organizing The Moving Pieces in a Deal.

Last updated