Staying on Top of Due Dates

So much can happen all at once, and it's easy to forget when something is due. Missing deadlines can increase your stress, tarnishes your reputation and stops you from reaching your goals.

Once you create a Task and assign a due date, Daylite will encourage you to view your upcoming Tasks and make sure you always meet your deadlines.

Assigning a Due Date

The first thing you will need to do is assign a due date when either creating a new Task, or when you are editing an existing one.


Pro Tip:

Concerned you might miss something important?

Start a best practice by selecting Today from the Sidebar to view all your upcoming Tasks.

Daylite groups all of your upcoming Tasks in one convenient location, no matter what kind of Task it is.

Select Today from the Sidebar to view all of your Tasks chronologically. These will include past due Tasks that still need to addressed, Tasks that are due today, and any upcoming Tasks.

As you know, some Tasks are a higher priority than others, and should be attended to first. This is accomplished by marking the Task with a Worklist Pin, which places it in a specific Task folder called Worklist, which appears at the top of your Today list.

Marking Tasks as Done

Once a Task is done, it is important to mark it accordingly. There is always a sense of accomplishment when a Task is finished, why not commemorate it with a check mark?

Placing a checkmark next to a Task removes it from the Today list, and places it in the Done folder, located in the Sidebar. These Tasks can still be edited if necessary.

Wrap Up

Daylite helps you focus on the future and feel less stressed over looming due dates by staying on top of them.

Now you're ready to create reminders for those due dates so you can get notified when things need to get done in How to Stop Things Falling through the Cracks.

Last updated