Tracking Your Lead Source

Where is most of your business coming from?

What source gives you the best leads, or has the highest conversion rate?

If you’re not tracking your lead source, you won’t know what to ramp up, what to focus less on, and where there’s opportunity ripe for the picking.

With Daylite you can track where your deals are coming from, use tools to analyze which sources are working and which ones aren't, so you can make better decisions, and spend more time focusing on higher generating sources.

Add a Deal Source to an Opportunity

In Daylite, you track your deals by creating New Opportunities.

If you haven't created an Opportunity, check out How to Capture New Business.

Your deal source is where the lead heard about you.

Here are a few examples:

  • Referral

  • Trade Show

  • Social Media

Did you know?

Before you are able to track your sources in Daylite for iOS, you need to create Opportunity Types in Daylite on your Mac.

From the menu bar on your Mac, select Settings > Opportunities.

Choose Opportunity Types and then tap the + sign and type the name of the source.

Be sure to to mark the source as Active.

Now, when you create a New Opportunity on your device, be sure to tap Type, and then select the source. You can also add Type to an existing Opportunity by tapping Edit in the top right corner.

Wrap Up

By tracking your lead types, you can identify which sources are generating the most new business. These insights can help you make informed decisions about where your greatest sources of business are coming from, and how to capitalize on that knowledge.

Last updated