Calendar Integration

Showing Other Calendars in Daylite

Creating a seamless experience for our users has always been at the heart of Daylite, no matter which device you are on. By integrating all of your calendars into one app, Daylite lets you plan your day efficiently, without looking elsewhere.

Navigate to Settings > Calendar > Show Other Calendars in Daylite.

By adding calendar accounts from other apps, and then selecting the specific calendars you wish to view in Daylite, you are creating a fluid experience, and a more organized approach to your day.

Sharing Your Daylite Calendar

Sharing your Daylite Calendar allows you to see your appointments in other apps, so you can add, edit, or leverage your Calendar even when you're working outside of Daylite.

Sharing your Daylite Calendar with other programs lets you work cross functionally, and more efficiently. With your Daylite Calendar available in other apps, you can take advantage of the features they offer as well.

Daylite makes it easy to share your calendar with the Calendar app across all your devices.

Pro Tip:

Sharing your Daylite Calendar with another program's calendar application DOES NOT merge the databases together. When you share your Daylite Calendar, each database is kept as its own calendar group.

Benefits of Sharing your Daylite Calendar

Here are a few examples of things you can do by sharing your Daylite Calendar:

  • Add, edit and delete meetings from outside Daylite.

  • Use Siri to make new appointments.

  • Create reminders with Siri and the Reminders app.

On the Daylite Home Screen navigate to Settings > Calendar.

Tap Show Daylite Calendar in Other Apps.

Tap Install Daylite Calendar Profile.

Navigate to Settings > Profile Downloaded and select the Profile you wish to install.

Tap the Install button.

The next time you open the Calendar app you will see your Daylite Calendars in a separate Daylite group.

Making Daylite your Default Calendar

Navigate to Apple Settings > Calendar > Default Calendar.

Tap Default Calendar and select your Daylite account.

Wrap Up

Thanks to Daylite Calendar integration, you don't need to jump between calendar apps any longer. Now you can focus on your work and let Daylite remember the details for you.

Want to share your Daylite Contacts with other apps too?

Then check out Sharing Your Contacts, and get ready to take your business to the next level.

Last updated