Adding Your Contacts

Your Contacts are at the very centre of your business. Importing your Contacts from other contact management applications should always be a straight forward process. Whether you are importing from Apple's Contacts, iCloud, Google, or any other format, Daylite makes that process easy.

Importing your Apple Contacts into Daylite

Apple's Contacts application is built right into macOS. It is easy to import People and Companies from Contacts into Daylite, whether you're importing some Contacts, all Contacts, or just a specific group into Daylite.

  1. In Daylite, select File > Import > Import Contacts.

  1. Next, choose Import from Contacts app.

Did you know?

You can also import your Contacts by drag and dropping onto this window, or directly onto the Daylite icon in your Dock.

  1. During the import process, you can assign specified Categories to your Contacts as you import them. For example, you could choose to assign a Category of Client to the first batch of imports, and Prospect to the next batch. Once these Contacts have been successfully imported, their Category will be updated automatically.

  1. Select the Contacts you wish to import and then click the blue Import Contacts button.

Congratulations, you have successfully imported your Apple Contacts. Please note that only New Contacts are added. Daylite will update any dupliate Contact records.

Importing your Google Contacts into Daylite

You can also import Google Contacts into Daylite.

  1. Log into Google Contacts, select the contacts you want to export and click Export on left hand column.

  2. Choose vCard (for iOS Contacts) and click Export.

  3. Open Daylite and choose File > Import > Import Contacts.

  1. Select Import vCard from the list.

  1. Navigate to your Downloads folder, select the .vcf file, and click Open.

Importing Other Formats into Daylite

If your contact manager or CRM doesn't support vCard exporting, or you are managing contacts in a spreadsheet, you can still import contacts into Daylite using the Import from Spreadsheet option. Microsoft Outlook for example uses a Comma Separated Values format, also known as a .csv format.

  1. Open the contact application you are currently using and look for the option to Export.

  1. Choose the format you wish to export to the Downloads folder. In this example, Microsoft Outlook does not give you an option to choose.

  1. Open Daylite and choose File > Import > Import from Spreadsheet (CSV, TSV).

  1. Click Browse and navigate to your Downloads folder. Select the file your application uses (.csv in Microsoft Outlook's case) and click Import.

Pro Tip:

If you cannot see the option to export as a vCard, you can contact the developer of the app for assistance, or check to see if you can export contacts from either a .csv format or other delimited text.

Wrap Up

With your Contacts in Daylite, you can start exploring the interface and see how Daylite can take you further. Keep up the momentum and add your Calendar to Daylite, then start sharing your Contacts and Calendar with other apps.

If you would like help with importing from another major contact manager, CRM, or contacts spreadsheet we'd love to pair you with one of our Daylite experts.

Last updated