Daylite Glossary
Whether you’re hung up on the difference between a Category and a Keyword, or trying to figure out what a record means, check out our list of common terms below.
Activity Set
An Activity Set is a template of Tasks and Appointments you create once, which can be applied to different records. Activity Sets can be a checklist for all your Projects, a follow up schedule to stay top of mind, or any process you repeat.
An appointment is a block of time you have set for a specified activity, and will appear within your Daylite Calendar. You can invite Daylite users as well as other people to your appointments and track whether they are going or not.
Categories are the top-level classification for objectives in Daylite. An object can only have one category at a time, and define the primary classification. Each category has a colour indicator which makes finding items with a category easy.
Company records store information about the people you and your organization communicates with. They can be a business, family, association, or any legal entity made up of of People. All information about a company is stored here, including the people who are associated with the company is stored in a Company record.
The Email section displays all emails added using Daylite’s Mail Integration. To add emails to Daylite while on the Mac, turn on Daylite Mail Assistant with Apple. To add emails to Daylite while on the iPhone and iPad, add your Daylite account in My Mail in Daylite for the iPhone and iPad.
A filter is a lists of records in your database that meet certain criteria you specify. Filters can find look for records that match or do not match your criteria, including the properties of objects linked to a record. For example, a filter can include all People in a specific city, who have an Opportunity over $10,000.
A form in Daylite works just like a paper form. They are useful for collecting and managing information about people, companies, projects, opportunities, and groups.
A Group is a collection of like objects, determined by you and your team. Groups can collect a mix of any of the Daylite objects.
A Keyword tags an object with important details that you’d like to quickly reference when reviewing a record, or to create lists of items using a Filter/Smart List. For example, a Keyword can note a person’s favourite sports team, a high importance Opportunity, or any term/phrase to group like records. A record can have an unlimited number of Keywords added.
Linking is when two or more records are connected to each other. Linking records gives you more context about an item’s activity and makes it easier to find information by keeping everything in one place. The more you link the richer a record’s history becomes.
A note is a record of information that can be created on its own. Notes are perfect for those little bits and pieces of information that don’t fit anywhere, but can’t be lost—for example, meeting minutes for your weekly meeting, reference information for your project, etc.
Daylite has 10 Objects which not only store information about the things you do in your business, they define the types of relationships you have, activities you take, and communication you have with a person. Those objects are:
Opportunities represent the potential for new business. They help you track business leads, turn prospects into clients, and forecast potential revenue. They store basic information like the details of an Opportunity, tell you its state, probability to close, total value, and also its classification.
People records store information about the people you and your organization communicates with. They can be someone you know personally, a prospect, customer or any other relationship you may have. All information about to the person like phone number, electronic address, birthday, as well as activities are is stored in a person record.
Pipelines describe the major stages your Projects and Opportunities go through. Stages are used to organize and analyze the success of your Projects and Opportunities. Each Pipeline Stage can have its own template of Tasks and Appointments.
Projects are outcomes that will need more than one action step to complete and that you can mark off as finished in the next 12 months. Projects help you plan, organize, and keep track of information for your multi-step goals.
Values on a record.
An instance of an object.
Smart List
A Smart Lists are save filters. Smart Lists can be edited, shared with other teams, and duplicated.
Tasks records keep track the things you need to do. Whether they a follow up to a client, a phone call you need to make, or a daily reminder, Tasks make sure you get it done. Add due dates and reminders, create repeating tasks, and delegate to other Daylite users.
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